Friday, January 21, 2011

How do we achieve happiness?

I know people here in Italy who are out of work. Unemployed. And I'd like to console them. Because some are despondent. And I can't blame them. I'd be, too. Fortunately, I'm retired. And I don't have to work. I rely on my social security. And my pension. But many of the unemployed have years to go before retirement. And middle class Italians may have far less retirement income than most Americans. Anyway, I wanna talk to one Italian in particular. One that I know better than the others. Even though he speaks little English. And I speak even less Italian. But I'm thinking about having a conversation. With my true love serving as translator. And I'll try to cheer him up. By getting him to talk. About his dilemma. And life, in general. And whether happiness can be achieved. Even in hard economic times. I don't know. But I hope it's possible. He may have to look for another occupation. Something he can do. And still be reasonably happy. He talks about learning a second language. German. Because that may open more job opportunities. But at his age. About 50. Finding a job ain't gonna be easy. Of course, I'm for a society in which everyone is guaranteed honest, productive work. Maybe centuries from now it'll happen. One can only hope. Basically, I'm for the pursuit of happiness. And I'll talk to the Italian man about happiness. And does he have any idea about how to attain it? Maybe one can't. Without a job. Without an income. But I think everyone should have a right to happiness. The problem is, how does one achieve happiness? Despite the pitfalls of life. --Jim Broede

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