Thursday, January 27, 2011

Makes me boundlessly happy.

I’m always thinking. Often about what makes people unhappy. I’m happy. Almost all of the time. But that doesn’t stop me from reflecting on the nature of unhappiness. And maybe that’s why I’m happy. Because I think I understand the nature of unhappiness. The things that make people unhappy. And it’s mainly fretting over small stuff. I learned years ago to fret only over big stuff. Life and death stuff. And to cope. And to not let the small stuff bother me for very long. I dismiss it. And get on with being reasonably happy. Even my true love has been known to sweat the small stuff. Little things. Trivial things. I hope I’m a positive influence. In getting her out of occasional doldrums. Usually, all it takes is to reflect. On what’s going right in one’s life. Oh, so much. Such as the presence of my true love. Makes me boundlessly happy. –Jim Broede

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