Wednesday, January 19, 2011

To feel blessed.

My true love tries to do too much. That's her biggest, and maybe only, shortcoming. I try to tell her that. That I have no desire to change her. But that she'd find life more relaxing, more meaningful, if only she slowed down. She has the affliction of the modern age. Trying to cram too much into life. Ttying to be a glutton. To obtain more than we deserve. I find life most meaningful when I accept what I have. And just savor it. To the enth degree. For instance, I savor my true love. Even when she's in a hurry. Even when she tries to do too much. Because that's the way she is. Some day, she'll change. But it'll have to be on her own. I have no ability or desire to force a change. In anyone. And especially in my true love. I'm trying to accept her unconditionally. And in the process, I'm being myself. True to myself. I try to practice what I preach. I slow down. Even when others around me are in the hurry-up mode. I live life at my own tempo. In my own way. My true love would like me to come along for the fast ride. Maybe for the thrill of it. But I see no thrill in that. I'm in bliss, in ecstacy, because I am savoring life. Doesn't matter that I don't have it all. Because I can make my version of 'all' out of practically nothing. Because I appreciate what I have. Mainly, my true love. At my side. With me. I'm able to talk. To listen. Yes, to communicate. And to accept the realities of life. To feel blessed. --Jim Broede

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