Friday, February 4, 2011

Give me more time in Sardinia.

We have small electric heaters in our place in Sardinia. But we hardly ever use 'em. Only to take a little chill out of the air. Early in the morning. Or late at night. Doesn't seem like winter. I read about the horrible blizzard in Chicago. Motorists stranded for 7 hours on Lake Shore Drive. And back in Minnesota, where I usually spend winter, there's been five feet of snow, and counting. Another two feet expected by April. And for the first time since 1997, the temperature didn't even get above freezing in January. I remember winters when we went 60-some days without a thaw. But here in Sardinia, we haven't come close to freezing all winter. And today we are flirting with 60 degrees. And sunny. The bad news is that I'm returning to Minnesota in March. But I'm thinking ahead to next winter. I'll arrive in Sardinia before Thanksgiving. And I'll stay until April. Don't get me wrong. Minnesota is a nice place. But Sardinia is a lot better. Especially in the winter. --Jim Broede

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