Thursday, February 10, 2011

I can take criticism.

My winter stay in Sardinia is winding down. Just a few weeks left. I leave in early March. Back to the snow country. And sub-zero temperatures. In Minnesota. But I can take it. I’m a tough hombre. Anyway, the snow doesn’t last long in March. It melts fast. And spring is in the air. I remember once we even had 83 degrees in March. A sign that wonders never cease. I certainly expect something in the 50s, maybe even 60s this March. Maybe only a day or two of balmy clime. But hey, I gotta admit there’s something good about the snow and cold. Especially when I missed the onslaught in December, January and February. I’m thinking of spending two weeks or so with the Chicago Cubs. In spring training. In Arizona. A few days after I get back to Minnesota. But then, maybe I’d be accused of spoiling myself. Of being too good to myself. But what the heck. I can take criticism. –Jim Broede

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