Monday, February 28, 2011

Only so much I can do.

People in depression leave me baffled. I really don’t know how to deal with them. So generally, I just leave them be. Initially, maybe I try to make them feel better. Try to cheer them up, to some small degree. But maybe that sends them deeper into depression. In the end, I guess, it’s up to them. To find a way out of depression. They either have to take pills. So-called anti-depressants. Or get counseling. Talk therapy. Or just dig deep into themselves. And lift themselves up by their bootstraps. One thing I try to avoid doing. And that is to allow a depressed being pull me down with them. I’m pretty good at that. I distance myself. And try to look at the depressed person clinically. Rather than get emotionally involved. Maybe that makes me cold-hearted. But hey, I recognize that sometimes there’s nothing I can do. Even to prevent a suicide. Stuff happens. I’m a good listener. But there’s only so much I can do. –Jim Broede

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