Thursday, February 10, 2011

Quality comes when I slow down.

My true love reads faster than me. I’m no speed reader. Because I like to take my time. Don’t want to feel in a hurry. I want to savor the words. And the meanings. And maybe even find my own words and meanings. Better ones than those on the written page. My true love would make a good racer. She’s the hare. I’m the turtle. I try to get her to slow down. But maybe that’s wrong. It’s her way. And she’s entitled to it. Especially if that makes her comfortable. I’m not sure it does. I think she’s rather high-strung. And a bit nervous. Because she’s in a hurry. Trying to accomplish too much in a short time. Reminds me a little bit of my mother. She tried to do too much. To be a perfectionist. By accomplishing a lot in a lifetime. But I’m still of the notion that quality counts far more than quantity. My quality comes when I slow down. –Jim Broede

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