Monday, February 21, 2011

Snow in Paradise.

Sardinia has everything. Including snow. I saw the white stuff today. In the high mountain regions. On the roads. Reminded me of Minnesota. Not the mountains. But the snow. Felt good, really. Knowing there can be snow in Paradise. But not in Hell. Too hot for that. So I'll take snow. Wasn't enough to shovel. Or to worry about. No need to call out the snow plows or drive at a slower speed. The night before we had fog. A London-type fog at times. But still, I thought the weather experience of the past two days was romantic. Fog and snow. And it ended with sunshine. As my true love and I sauntered down a Mediterranean beach on Sardinia's east coast. Didn't even need a jacket. Yes, that's Sardinia. Snow on a mountain top. And balmy shirtsleeve type weather on the beach. All in the same day. --Jim Broede

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