Friday, February 25, 2011

We've been brainwashed.

We humans are products of our upbringings. Or so it seems to me. And that may be unfortunate. Because then we don't start with a clean slate. We were moulded by our parents. Our teachers. Playmates. Our acquaintances. To be comformists. More or less. I've had to really struggle. To be myself. Rather than what people around me expect me to be. I accept much of what I was taught. But probably far too much. I don't question the ways of the world nearly enough. Just because things have been done certain ways for a long, long time doesn't mean they are right. I suspect we do wrong things all our lives. Because we were taught that wrong was right. Our forms of government, for instance. Or our social mores. Just think about how we humans accepted the notion of slavery. As if it was the morally right thing for humankind. Some day, we'll think of capitalism being just as immoral as slavery. But it's gonna take a while for us to get there. Because we've been brainwashed into thinking that wrong is right. --Jim Broede

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