Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yes, I apply a double standard.

I don't like it when people lose their names. Some of 'em chose to lose their identity. By using pseudonyms. Seems rather strange to me. As if they're ashamed of their real name. I've touched on this subject before. Because I'm baffled. I'm really proud of my name. No need to come up with a fake name. It's my gawd-given name. I guess some people think it's dangerous to be themselves. That it's much safer to hide one's identity. In essence, they live in fear. And I've always thought of that as a bad way to live. I have also noticed that on the Alzheimer's message boards many care-givers don't use their loved one's real name. They typically use ADLO. Which I guess stands for Alzheimer's Diseased Loved One. Seems sort of remote to me. My Jeanne was always my Jeanne. My dear and beloved Jeanne. Not a mere ADLO. But I do catch the idea of privacy. It has some merit. I refer to my Sardinian true love as 'true love' rather than by her first name. Yes, for the sake of her personal privacy. And maybe we want to protect our ADLO for the sake of privacy. I gotta admit. That sometimes I apply a double standard. --Jim Broede

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