Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No such thing as an ideal society.

I still have all of my teeth. But if I were ever to lose a tooth, I’d opt for a tooth implant. Yes, I know it’s costly. Maybe $4,000 for a tooth. But I’d rather spend the money on a tooth than a new car, or a whole lot of other things. My priority is to take care of myself. Physically. Mentally, too. Because if one doesn’t have decent health, it’s a real downer. I want to last as long as I can. Feeling good. Of course, I know I won’t last forever. The body and the mind wear out. Eventually. But with modern medicine, one can sometimes slow the process. I’d like to live in a society that makes that possible. For virtually everyone. But I know it won’t happen. Because there is no such thing as an ideal society. –Jim Broede

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