Monday, March 21, 2011

Sure beats bad vibes therapy.

I want Alzheimer care-givers to learn to fake it. If that’s what it takes to exude good vibes. And I mean round-the-clock. Always. Full-time. That’s what I’d train ‘em to do. If I was teaching a course in care-giving. Maybe after they complete their stints as care-givers, they’ll be qualified to become actors. Nothing wrong with that. Many of the care-givers I’ve come to know are terrible at their job. They exude bad vibes. Almost daily. Because they are overworked. Spread thin. Unsuited temperamentally for care-giving. They tend to do more harm than good for their patients. Usually loved ones. They’d be better off leaving the task to others. To the professionals. Although some of the professionals aren’t too good at it either. I know it ain’t always easy to exude good vibes. The kind of vibes that put Alzheimer patients more at ease. They are more likely to thrive in a stress-free environment. In peace and harmony. Feeling genuinely loved. Yes, I’ll admit that some Alzheimer patients may not respond favorably to good vibes. But the vast majority will. In time. Care-givers have to learn to be patient. To stick with it. Even if the initial splurge of good vibes don’t bring positive results. Eventually, they will. By good vibes, I mean talking in a soothing voice. Never losing one’s temper in the presence of the patient. Being cheerful. Providing relaxing activities and therapies. Such as pleasant music. Body massages. Plenty of fresh air. The good vibes also may have a positive effect on the care-givers. They’ll start living their roles. A trait of a good actor. They’ll feel more at peace. With themselves. With life in general. Sure beats bad vibes therapy. –Jim Broede

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