Saturday, April 16, 2011

Choices. Choices. And still more.

Often in life, there’s no clear-cut right or wrong. Because it comes down to an individual choice. What’s right for one may be wrong for another. The French writer and philosopher Sartre gave the example of a man in France that had to choose during World War II whether to stay at home and care for his ailing elderly mother or to go away and join the French resistance to the Nazis. And different individuals will choose different paths. One has to choose one’s own priorities. And live by ‘em. That’s precisely what sets us free. Some may choose for love of an individual, and others may choose for the love of a cause. I can be pulled betwixt and between. And try to do both. But sometimes I am more or less forced to make a choice. And I have to choose between Option 1 or Option 2. Or maybe even choose between 10 options. That’s a nice thing about life. I generally have many, many options. Choices. Choices. And still more choices. –Jim Broede

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