Friday, April 8, 2011

I am saved by love.

Yes, politics is a partisan game. Very partisan. But I keep wondering, why does it have to be partisan? Can’t politics also be a friendly, courteous debate? In which so-called partisans respect each other. Enough to compromise. Enough to meet each other half way. I’m an idealist. When it comes to important matters. Such as romance. Therefore, I’m a romantic idealist. But I’d also like to be a political idealist. Though it won’t ever happen. The ideal political system. In which we get along with each other. In a reasonable manner. At least in the realm of romance, we allow love to bring us together. To be nice and, yes, loving to each other. But in politics, it’s mostly just the opposite. We become hateful of each other. Not the least trace of love and respect. Seems to me that especially here in America, we’ve concluded that’s the true nature of politics. Can’t be changed. We have to live with it. In some ways, I try to ignore politics. The obscene rhetoric. The hateful speech. The distortions. The lies. Here I am. Wanting to focus on love. On life the way it should be lived. And I’m able to do that. Achieve the impossible. But every day, I’m exposed to the reality of politics. American-style. Which reminds me that the world is a foul place. But despite it all, I’m able to fall in love. With someone. With life. In that sense, I live in paradise. I am saved. Every time that I embrace and savor a loving thought. –Jim Broede

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