Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm a genuine, bona fide fool.

I’m a fool. Always have been. I was born a fool. And I’ve cultivated the art of being one. I’m a master at it. One of the best in the world. Yes, a world class fool. And I’m assuming that the likes of me are being honored today. April Fool’s Day. I’m not afraid to be a fool. Especially when I’m in love. When I’m perceived as a fool, I take that as a compliment. Because I’m being recognized for what I am. A bona fide fool. The real thing. No fake. A genuine fool. An honest fool. I’m of the notion that we need more fools in this world. People who go off the deep-end. And embarrass themselves. Yes, people who know how to accept themselves. As fools. –Jim Broede

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