Saturday, May 21, 2011

Alienating the rank and file.

I almost always side with labor over management. The same goes for the poor over the rich. That’s in my nature. Because I think that people with power tend to be corrupt. And basically unfair in their dealings with the less powerful. Little wonder that I’m not a Republican. I’m more inclined to support socialists. And even communists. Especially Italian communists. Because they seem to be quite intelligent and fair-minded. Anyway, I think Republicans have done themselves in. Cooked their own goose, so to speak. By trying to revoke public employees rights to bargain. And with their lame-brained proposals to privatize Medicare and Social Security. It’s energized Democrats and poor people and senior citizens to fight back. In Wisconsin, there are even gonna be recall elections for Republicans. Yes, the GOP went too far this time. Because polls show that 80 percent of Americans favor keeping Social Security and Medicare just as it is. Under government control. Usually, Republicans will say just about anything. To get themselves elected. But this time they alienated the rank and file. Labor and poor people and anybody with at least half a brain. –Jim Broede

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