Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Doing what you gotta do.

I know someone. Caring for her mate. With Alzheimer’s. Trying to keep him at home. Until the end. Maybe the bitter end. I think that’s a mistake. But then, maybe it isn’t. She has to decide. I couldn’t do it. Being a 24/7 care-giver from beginning to end. Because Alzheimer’s is a long siege. It can wear and tear on a care-giver. Lead to physical and mental and emotional exhaustion. Eventually, I put Jeanne into a nursing home. For 38 months and one day. And I became an 8-10 hour-a-day care-giver. Part of a care-giving team. That was the sensible thing to do. For Jeanne. For me. Made life better for Jeanne. And made me a better care-giver. But I acknowledge, every situation is different. You gotta do what you gotta do. –Jim Broede

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