Sunday, May 8, 2011

Treating myself quite decently.

I treat myself decently. Because I owe it to me. But I’m surprised at how many people don’t treat themselves decently. They flagellate themselves. Or go on guilt trips. Or never work out. Avoid moments of pleasure. In fact, one might call them masochists. As if they hate themselves. They don’t even get adequate rest. They abuse themselves. Many of ‘em voluntarily go into bouts of depression. And tell us they can’t avoid it. That it’s a disease. And for all I know, maybe it is. As if they are compelled to be unhappy. Destined. It’s their lot in life. They were born into this world to suffer. Could be it makes them feel holy. Maybe I should give them the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, I don’t want to be like ‘em. I’d rather be happy. And in love. Today. This moment. Oh, sure, I could tell myself that it won’t last forever. I could project into the future. To bad times that are bound to come. But I don’t wanna live in the future. I’m satisfied with now. With being me. At the moment. Treating myself quite decently. –Jim Broede

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