Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Didn't know it at the time.

I keep telling Alzheimer care-givers that they’ll survive. Despite the travails. And quite possibly they’ll find ways to thrive for the rest of their lives. Doesn’t seem like it now. In their daily roles as care-givers. I had a 13-year-sojourn with dear Jeanne. Thought it was the end of the world at times. Thought I wouldn’t make it. But I look back on those 13 years, and it was indeed a learning experience. It was worth the effort. Worth finding the wherewithal to manage. To cope. And to survive. Taught me how to be a better lover. A better human being. Life wasn’t always meant to be easy. Maybe for a reason. I discovered that Jeanne was teaching me something. Every day that I took care of her. She was taking care of me. Teaching me how to be a better lover. An unconditional lover. A lover of the life force. Life has taken on new and profound meaning. Because I was an Alzheimer care-giver. I was being blessed. Didn’t know it at the time. But I know it now. --Jim Broede

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