Thursday, June 23, 2011

How to end my disappointment.

Generally speaking, people disappoint me. But on the other hand, I probably disappoint a fair number of people, too. So maybe there’s a trade-off. But one thing about me. I’ve learned to pretty much accept people. As they are. That’s the key to getting along with people. I even get along with people who don’t accept me. They want to change me. Make me something I don’t wanna be. Of course, they are wasting their time. I’m amused by it all. By their futile efforts. Actually, that makes them more endearing to me. The fact that they want to try to remake me. Without recognizing that it’s an impossible task. And in the process, they may wind up unmaking themselves. Yes, they may even learn acceptance. Taking me as I am. Then I’ll no longer be disappointed. –Jim Broede

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