Saturday, June 11, 2011

Making life and writing seem easy.

Some writers tell me that writing is difficult. But I wonder about that. I find writing easy. If I allow myself to write naturally. The way I want to write. Rather than write by the rules and dictates of others. I have no difficulty sitting down daily. And writing threads for my blog. Or love letters to my true love. Because I do it all naturally. It ain’t forced. Maybe one can say that I don’t know good writing from bad writing. But I’m happy with the way I write. The way I express myself in words. I’m satisfying myself. And at least several others. My friends. My intimates. I’m not out to capture a world full of readers. All I need are a few human contacts. People that appreciate the naturalness of life. And of writing. I want to cultivate people who genuinely are themselves. Because that makes life come easier. Because it’s so natural. I suspect that writers that find writing painstakingly hard, or difficult, are fighting their basic instincts. Trying to be too erudite. Too unnatural. I’m trying to live the way I write. Naturally. I’m flowing. Drifting along. Making life and writing seem easy. Comfortable. Pleasant. And yes, fulfilling. —Jim Broede

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