Wednesday, June 29, 2011

No sense of decency.

I generally don’t allow things over which I have no control get to me. In negative ways. I just ignore ‘em. And get on with life. But I tell you, I do occasionally get a little despondent when I focus on politics. American-style politics. Because of the total lack of goodwill and sense of decency. It’s so highly partisan. Politicians become mean-spirited. Hateful. It’s worse than being a racist. They become livid. Their eyes bulge. They find it impossible to put a rein on their loathing of each other. In the process, they become evil-doers. Fighting perceived evil with even worse evil. They’d rather see the nation fail than to see their opponent succeed. Yes, it’s come to that. Seething hatred. Absolutely no sense of decency. –Jim Broede

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