Sunday, July 10, 2011

Acceptance. A true sign of love.

Sometimes, I feel like I’d like to remake my son Jack. Into something that he isn’t. But in the end, I always think better of it. And I just let Jack be Jack. And more or less accept it. I also remind myself that there are people who would like to remake me. Into something I’m not. Therefore, it would be wrong for me to try to do the same thing that I abhor. When done by others. Jack ain’t perfect. But then, neither am I. I think Jack could manage his life better. Far better. But then again, so could I. Because there is no such thing as perfection. We’re all imperfect. And always will be. But that’s precisely what makes us unique individuals. Coping with our imperfections. And still finding a reasonable degree of happiness. Actually, the one being that I love most dearly, I wouldn’t want to change. I just want her to be herself. Her ever-evolving self. I think that’s the nature of love. Acceptance. In sort of an unconditional manner. If I wanna change somebody, I probably don’t love ‘em. –Jim Broede

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