Tuesday, July 5, 2011

If only I were god.

I’d like to live in a black hole. Though I’m told by astronomers that’s impossible. I’d be torn apart. Vaporized. It’s surmised in theory that black holes exist in the cosmos. Black holes that draw in and swallow everything that’s nearby. And nothing is allowed to escape. Not even light. That’s why they are called black holes. Makes me wonder if black holes are other worlds. As complete as our own cosmos. Maybe we are in a black hole right now. And don’t know it. That would prove that life is possible in a black hole. That’s my theory. That there are many, many universes. But we can only see ours. In our own black hole. So maybe after we die and reach spirit form, we are allowed to escape our black hole. And move on to another one. In essence, to another world. A world that may be quite different than our world. Sounds like a great adventure to me. That’s the way I’d create. Yes, multiple worlds. If only I were god. –Jim Broede

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