Sunday, July 31, 2011

I refuse to stay in hell full-time.

Maybe the worst thing about most American politicians is their nonsensical idea that there’s a right way and a wrong way and that they are all imbued with natural knowledge of the right way. Yes, they all think they have the right way. The correct way. And everybody else had better acquiesce. Because they are gonna impose the right way. In the same manner as religious zealots. In other words, there is no such thing as compromise. That’s why we have little Adolph Hitlers and Tea Party Republicans in this land of ours. It’s a gawd-forsaken situation. Something we Americans must bear. Because we are a country of idiots and religious fanatics. We accept our politicians. We are too stupid to do otherwise. Maybe a few of us, such as me, know better. But we find ourselves in hell. And many of us never escape. Except me. Because I flee regularly to Sardinia, an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Yes, to Paradise. And I return to America for part of the year. To toughen myself. To prove that I am capable of living in hell. Part-time. So that I can display my utter disdain for American politicians. Yes, I am a daredevil. I like to demonstrate to everyone that one can enter hell and still survive. Maybe that gives hope to others. If I can do it, you can, too. Maybe you have to flee for part of the year. To other parts of the world. Face it. Every decent American needs a respite. Time away from hell. Away from his homeland. Just because I was born in hell doesn’t mean I have to stay there full-time. –Jim Broede

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