Sunday, July 24, 2011

The inmates are taking charge.

I’ll tell you what genuinely scares me. Extremists. Religious fanatics. Muslims that turn to terror. And 'Christians' that are equally extreme. Certain self-proclaimed Christian fundamentalists. Like the guy in Norway. That went on a shooting rampage. Killing 90-some. Maybe more. They're still counting the bodies. Police call him a madman. He calls himself a Christian. Out to do god’s work, I guess. Muslims and Christians have something in common. Extremists in their ranks. People who have gone off the edge. Into the abyss. In the name of their religion. I wonder what made them insane. Made them kill. I see the making of such mania in America. On the far, far right. In politics. A blend of religious and political extremism. Fueled by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Charlatans. Out to make a buck. In the mass media. By feeding the psyches and frenzy of potential madmen. Armed and dangerous. A nation going mad. If it can happen in Norway, it can happen anywhere. And certainly in America. Where the political, economic and social climate is highly combustible. No compromise. Extremists standing up for principle. Gawd-awful principle. No rationality. They are fanatics. Religious fanatics. Political fanatics. They are going completely mad. Berserk. One by one by one. Or is it in droves now? Makes me think so. Especially when I tune in the political debate. It really ain’t debate any more. It’s ranting. The inmates are taking over the asylum. An entire country. The world. –Jim Broede

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