Friday, July 1, 2011

Losing more and better than others.

For the ninth time this season, the Chicago Cubs had an opportunity to win three straight games. But once again, the Cubs failed. Or so the sportswriters tell us. They use the word ‘failure’ in describing the Cubs futility. But I consider it a success. An achievement. Being the only team in major league baseball that has yet to win three in a row. Imagine that. Here the season is half over. The Cubs are on course to set a very distinctive record. A whole 162-game season. Without winning three consecutive games. The Cubs flirt with three straight. They even had a 4-2 lead in the 7th inning today. But still, they managed to lose 6-4. All I can say is go Cubs, go. Don’t be ashamed. You Cubs are very, very good at losing. More and better than anyone else. –Jim Broede

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