Friday, July 22, 2011

The sun rises -- unless it's a hoax.

I like people. I like life. But most of all, I like the fact that I have the opportunity to like. Just about anything and anybody. Because I’m alive. And conscious. I’m able to give meaning to whatever it is I’m perceiving. I don’t know if my perceptions are correct. Some may not be. And I may just be hallucinating. But that’s all right, too. Because if it seems real, it’s real. For me. If I just watched a sunrise, and it’s all a figment of my imagination, so be it. I’ll take it. Because the sunrise was beautiful. Seemed so real. Meanwhile, I just read of a big explosion and shooting in Norway. Maybe I’m just imagining that. Because I personally didn’t see it happen. I saw the sunrise. No doubt about it. Maybe I can pretend that there was no violence in Norway. After all, I’ve always thought of Norway as a peaceful, non-violent nation. Where stuff like that doesn’t happen. So maybe the report was false. That’s what I would prefer to think. But one thing I know for certain. The sun rises every morning. And sets every evening. Unless, of course, god is pulling a colossal hoax. –Jim Broede

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