Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The very patriotic thing.

Conservative Republicans tell me that America has a spending problem. That government spends too much money. That our economic woes can be solved by spending less and less and less. By cutting entitlement programs. By spending less on so-called necessities. Because they really aren’t necessities. That it’s all luxury. And that we should just allow everybody to fend for himself. Of course, the Republicans won’t cut the defense budget. Because that would be unpatriotic. Republicans also will continue to give cash subsidies to big private corporations. Because that’s patriotic. The right thing to do. Well, folks, I have a different solution to our nation’s economic problems. Let’s tax the hell out of rich people. Especially millionaires and billionaires. Let’s spread the wealth. Narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. I’m not advocating making the rich poor. They’ll still be rich. But less rich. And to me, that’s the very patriotic thing to do. The right thing. –Jim Broede

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