Thursday, August 4, 2011

Beyond human reason.

I try not to be judgmental. And I succeed. To some degree. But not totally. I’m working on it. Because theoretically, at least, I think it’s essential to allow people to be themselves. To live pretty much as they please. But one has to draw the line, too. I don’t want people going out killing each other. And I don’t want capital punishment even for those who kill. I’m not sure exactly where I stand on the abortion issue. For a variety of reasons that I won’t enunciate here. But basically, it gets back to the judgmental issue. On sharply divided issues. Hard for me to condemn people on both sides of some controversial issues. Because I don’t wanna be too judgmental. I’ve never cheated on my true loves. Don’t think I ever would. But I don’t hold it against cheaters. Because I’m trying not to be overly judgmental. I see merit in forgiveness. But for many years, I wrote off my sister. Because she was a practicing alcoholic. I’m not sure if that’s being judgmental. I just didn’t want to be dragged down with her. So I avoided her. Allowed her to do what she wanted. Rather than intervene. Because I thought it was useless. I condemn Hitler. But if I were god, I’d seriously consider forgiving Hitler. If, in a spiritual dimension, he truly recanted and wished he was able to live life over again. In a quite different way. It’s a matter of learning from one’s mistakes. Feeling one’s way through life. In earnest attempts to get it right. Genuine redemption. I dislike drawing hard lines. Because often there aren’t clearly defined right ways and wrong ways. Too easy to divide things into black and white. And to ignore gray. Life is complex. Seems to me that some things are beyond human reason. –Jim Broede

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