Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A blood-thirsty lot.

I'm convinced that innocent people have been executed in the USA. But our judicial system is set up to make mistakes. And so some innocent people go to their deaths. Most of 'em poor people. Because they can't afford decent legal representation. I wonder when's the last time a rich person was executed. Doesn't happen. Because the rich can afford top-notch lawyers. The rich are privileged. It also doesn't help to have a black skin. That makes one more likely to get executed than a white guy. Justice ain't exactly color blind. Anyway, I don't like the notion of capital punishment, period. Most civilized societies have done away with it. But it still happens in many states. Particularly in Texas. Where Gov. Rick Perry has presided over 236 executions. Texans tend to celebrate executions. I'll bet if they sold $10,000 tickets to executions in Texas, there'd be a sellout all of the time. Standing room only. A way to support the state budget. When Perry recently publicly bragged about the high rate of executions in Texas, he drew applause from the raucous Republican crowd. Yep, Republicans are a blood-thirsty lot. Highly entertained even by the thought of state-sanctioned executions. --Jim Broede

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