Sunday, September 4, 2011

He's so obviously superior.

I keep trying to figure out Barack Obama. No doubt, I like the guy. I voted for him the last time. And I'll back him next time, too. Maybe I'll never quite understand Obama. Because he's black. And I'm white. Arbitrary labels put on each of us. In America, that makes a difference. Our experiences have been quite different. Merely because of the color of our skins. I find that annoying. But probably not as annoying as Obama finds it. Although I can't be sure about that. Because Obama, if he is truly annoyed, finds ways to hide it. I don't like that about Obama. I suspect he hides too much. Makes it more difficult for me to know him. I trust Obama. He's my idea of a decent guy. Intelligent, too. Personable. But he's hated by bigots. Racists. Republicans. Because he's black. Thing is, racists feel inferior in Obama's presence. Fact of the matter is that they are inferior. And that makes them furious. Come to think of it. Maybe that's why Obama doesn't get furious himself. He's so obviously superior. --Jim Broede

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