Friday, September 23, 2011

The kindest of 'em all.

Yes, many liberals and independents are disappointed in Barack Obama. For not combating mean-spirited Republicans effectively. For being too nice, if there is such a thing. Nice. That's not the way politicians are supposed to act. They gotta be mean to each other. Obama doesn't have much of a mean streak. But he's starting to contrast the issues. Effectively. And it helps that the Republicans have put up a weak field of candidates for president. They're all goofballs. Very beatable. Because they spout the crap that the Tea Party and other looney tune conservatives want to hear. There's not a moderate Republican in the bunch. They all have been run out of the party. Of course, I'm fearful that through some quirk or oddity on election night, a Republican emerges as the victor. But if that happens, we'll all get what we deserve. The final demise of the USA. Anyway, I'm going on the assumption that Americans ultimately will wise up. And re-elect Obama. And give his party the majority in Congress. Even though I'm not all that enamored with the Democrats. But I know full well their spirits are far less mean than those of Republicans. Obama probably is the kindest of 'em all. --Jim Broede

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