Friday, September 9, 2011

The real significance of 9/11.

I'm leery about all the hullabaloo connected with the 10th anniversary of 9/11. It's getting far too much attention. We Americans overreacted to the 9/11 event right from the beginning. In such a way that it's causing America more harm than good. We should never have gone to war over it. If not for 9/11, we'd never have ventured into Iraq or Afghanistan. Costly wars. A waste of money and lives. More lives than we lost on 9/11. Anyway, 9/11 was a horrendous criminal act. And it should have been dealt with as such. Not as an act deserving of war. In a sense, the criminal terrorists have gotten the better of us. By leading America down a path of economic ruin and political bickering. As a nation, we are in an unholy mess. All of it unnecessary. If our government had shown more restraint. And not over-reacted. Now's the time to get over it. And return to normalcy. But that may never happen. Because we have become an uptight and fearful nation. We've lost our bearings. Our way. Lost our confidence. But I ain't going down with the ship. I'm confident. And I have my bearings. I have the finest of opportunities. To move to Paradise. Where my true love resides. Where 9/11 is significant. Only because it's my birthday. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Kevin said...

You know, I never thought of it like that. You probably are right.

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