Friday, September 9, 2011

That's fair play, isn't it?

Republicans proclaim that Obama is an unpopular president. With approval ratings ranging between 42 and 45 percent. But at the same time, these Republicans seem to ignore the fact that the approval rating of the Republican-controlled Congress is only 18 percent. It's an indication that politicians are generally held in extremely low esteem. But Obama can take solace. Because he's more than twice as popular as members of Congress. Seems to me that if Republicans were subtracted from the people being polled, Obama would be immensely popular. And Republicans would have a zero percent approval rating. I imagine that all 18 percent of those that are supportive of Congress are diehard Republicans. Only a Republican could admire a fellow crappy Republican. By the way, I treat Republicans like Republicans treat others. That's fair play, isn't it? --Jim Broede

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