Friday, September 2, 2011

To remain oblivious forever.

I see nothing wrong with trying to understand myself. And what makes me tick. Because I suspect that's the first step in understanding other people. If I don't know me, how am I even gonna come close to knowing you? After all, I'm living inside me. I can see myself from within. If only I look. Probe. Dig. Analyze. That should be good training. Makes me a better psychoanalyst. I've always wanted to be a psychoanalyst. Not a professional one. Merely an amateur. That could be my hobby. I could scare people. By psychoanalyzing them. But maybe it wouldn't be a frightening experience. At least it isn't when I psychoanalyze myself. It's fun. And makes me feel good about myself. Doesn't surprise me that many people never get to know themselves. Don't know who or what they are. They go through life without any answers. But who knows? Maybe that's best. To remain oblivious forever. --Jim Broede

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