Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Feeling my way.

I don't try to evaluate myself. Or my performance in life. Or if I do, it's done inadvertently, and less and less frequently. Instead, I've learned to accept myself. Foibles and all. Because the so-called foibles can be attributes. Maybe annoying to other people. But good for me. They help make me what I am. I have no desire to be like other people. Or like what other people want me to be. I respectfully tell people that I am a romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, maybe even a radical, and a lover. By my nobel definitions. Which happen to be in a state of flux most of the time if not all of the time. I'm really an incomplete being. Making something new of myself daily. I may know what I am at any given moment. But moments are elusive. They come. They go. Some savored longer than others. I occasionally retrieve some moments. How I accompish such a feat, I don't exactly know. I just do. I don't need explanations for everything. And I don't mind contradicting myself. That's part of my nature. Which means it's hard to pin me down. Because I'm always on the move. Feeling my way. --Jim Broede

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