Thursday, November 3, 2011

And that ain't blasphemy.

We humans overrate ourselves. Thinking that we are god's gift to the universe. I don't think so. I suspect there are many higher forms of life in the cosmos. And we humans are one of the lesser kinds. Not much higher than most animals. At best, we are glorified apes. A supreme ape. The best of the species. We live and die much like any other animal. Maybe even without a soul. Although I believe that we animals all have souls. Even dogs and cats have souls. Souls that may leave the body after death and gravitate to higher classes of life. Maybe lower classes in some instances. Maybe our saving grace is a potential to achieve a much higher form of life. Not as humans. Something better. We probably take a spiritual form in another dimension. With highly cultivated extrasensory perception. To higher forms of life, we humans are equivalent to the way we think of ants. As vastly inferior to us in terms of intelligence, technological know-how and perception. Anyway, if there's a god, he certainly wouldn't settle for creating humans as the highest form of life. An all-knowing and perfect god would do much better. He'd create humans only as a higher form of animal life. That ain't really saying much about the human condition. An inspired workmanlike god wouldn't stop at mere humans. He'd create a kind of life far, far superior to human/animal life. Something closer to god-like. Something divine. That's what I want to become some day. I dream of having a soul that can go on to a bigger and better life. I won't settle for being a human. I want to be god-like. And that ain't blasphemy. --Jim Broede

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