Saturday, November 5, 2011

I wanna be fully naked.

Too many of the people I know, I really don't know. I know them only superficially. On the surface. Not in depth. Because most people hide within themselves. They aren't truly revealing. Except maybe to a very close loved one. And even then, I suspect they are far less than candid. Could be that they don't even know themselves. I doubt that I ever really knew my brother. Though I grew up with him through our teen years. He's not living any more. So I have lost the opportunity to know him better. I don't know my sister, either. But there's still a chance. She's still living. As for my mother, I got to know her better late in life. I got her to reveal herself. It was hard for her to do that. To reach deep down. And to bare her soul. Probably is for all of us. We are rarely fully naked with each other. I don't mean physical nakedness. But soulfully. Maybe it's being too personal. But that's what I like to be. And I try to get others to open up. To become very personal. Maybe it's because I am curious. But it's more than that. I think we humans were meant to know each other. But we've done a miserable job of it. Nakedness scares us. We don't want to be seen as we are. Maybe some of us think it's shameful. I don't. For me, it's the right thing to venture into the world fully naked. --Jim Broede

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