Monday, December 26, 2011

Can one give his/her all?

Giving one's all. Suspect I've never done it. Maybe it's impossible. Has anybody ever given all? Everything? I suppose that means one's life. But maybe that's not even all. Maybe giving one's life is the easy way out. And one could do still more. I've never given all. To anyone. Not even to myself. I've given a whole lot. But that's far, far from all. Some people are demanding. They want my all. Preposterous as that sounds. Don't expect anyone to give me his/her all. Give me a reasonable degree of love. That should be more than enough. Like to think I'm capable of unconditionaol love. But thinking/theorizing is one thing. Truly practicing, another. Maybe if one can only go 90 percent of the way, that's sort of all. Achieving the maximum of one's capability. --Jim Broede

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