Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I'd rather laugh than cry.

I see the funny side of life much quicker and more frequently than most of my friends and acquaintances. And that includes my Italian true love. Some take life far too seriously. If something goes wrong, even trivial, little things, people often over-react. They don't immediately see the funny side. Such as mistaking a weird kind of granular bread for brown sugar. They put the 'bread' in tea to make it sweeter. And it doesn't. Instead of laughing, they get peeved. Even pissed. While I laugh. Even though I made the same mistake and put the bread into my morning cappucino. I often see the funny side of everything. Even in life's tragedies. Eventually, there's a funny side to everything. Guess that makes me a positive thinker. Or a comedian. Because I'd much rather spend my life laughing than crying. --Jim Broede

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