Friday, December 23, 2011

It adds up. To a life of foreplay.

Life should be eternal foreplay. Never reaching a climax. Making life last. Evolving ever so slowly. Almost as if time has stopped. I want life to go on forever. My life. So that I can practice eternal foreplay. Never having to start over. A climax is too much like a conclusion. An ending. I prefer to avoid endings. Instead, I want a continuous flow of foreplay. I see a continuity to life. Everything is connected. Like one long chain. I'm not looking for a new beginning. But rather moving from one adventure to another. A grand scheme of things. Everything fits. Doesn't mean that life has to be one neat package. It isn't. But there's a flow. Natural. Smooth waters. Rough waters. Deep waters. Shallow waters. It adds up. To a wonderful life of foreplay. --Jim Broede

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