Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Getting on with life. Amicably.

On the Alzheimer message boards, some care-givers have bigger problems than the ones they are trying to address. And occasionally, I call that to their attention. And it can and does piss off a few people. Because, it seems to me, they don't wanna address the real problem. One lady, in particular, isn't getting along with her mother. A case of conflicting personalities, as I see it. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm right. Anyway, I suggested that the daughter focus more on becoming truly independent. Getting a life away from her mom. They live together now. In the same house. Owned by the mother. But the daughter doesn't want to go out on her own. And why? Because she wants to make sure she inherits the house. From her mother. So she wants to stick around to protect her own best economic interests. The daughter suspects that mom may be lapsing into some degree of dementia. Anyway, daughter and mom are having conflicts. Regularly, it seems. And it's becoming a strain on both of 'em. My advice would be to do what's best for both of 'em -- mom and daughter. And to quit worrying about the inheritance. Yes, and to just get on with life. Amicably. --Jim Broede

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