Sunday, January 22, 2012

I was destined to be here.

I like peering out the balcony on the east side of the place where we live in the city of Carbonia in Sardinia. Maybe I look and marvel even more than my Italian true love. She's lived in Carbonia virtually her entire life. And I suspect that makes her less attentive about the scenery. But this is relatively new stuff for me. So I notice. Because it's so different from what I'm used to in Minnesota. I see Italianess. A cluster of homes. Mostly with orange tile roofs. And citrus trees. And flowers. And steep, well-forested hills that almost look like mountains. And I can see the sunrise. Over the hills. It's beauty to behold. Makes me happy that I'm alive and conscious and in Sardinia. I have a feeling. That some how, I was destined to be here. Blessed. --Jim Broede

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