Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm baffled.

I marvel at the number of people that go through life with chronic headaches. Tension headaches. Because they are uptight. Nervous. Easily stressed. Yes, they don't know how to relax. Or maybe they do. But they just can't bring themselves around. I begin to wonder if they actually like headaches. Just the way an alcoholic likes booze. Still knowing that it's playing havoc with their lives. I'm amazed at the ways people punish themselves. They don't have to. Some people even commit suicide. Because they don't know how to be happy and relaxed and content. They don't know how to enjoy and savor life. Or again, they may know how. But they can't bring thmselves around. Sad, isn't it? To put up with headaches and stress and unhappiness, when really it isn't necessary. That baffles me. --Jim Broede

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