Saturday, January 14, 2012

I'm a slow, but good learner.

I wanna become known as the world's slowest eater. I'm practicing. Getting slower and slower. Often finishing supper 45 minutes after my Italian true love. I like to make a ritual of supper. Making it last. I don't eat more than most people. But I savor every little morsel. It's a way to relax and enjoy life. And food. I don't understand why so many people eat so fast. In a hurry. It's bad for digestion. Generally, I like to slow the pace of life. Even to the point of thinking slowly. Gives me time to digest my thoughts. Mull 'em over. Slowly. Especially the best thoughts. About love. I make an exception or two. I like to walk briskly. Exercise briskly. But I like to stretch out my workout over a long, lingering time. For hours. Like today. I walked 9 miles in a little over 2 hours. Some days, I go non-stop for 3 or 4 hours. I eat breakfast slowly, too. But not as slowly as supper. And I often skip lunch. Or have half of an apple. And when I'm relaxing, I try to breathe slowly and deeply. Maybe 3 breaths a minute. Sometimes only 2 breaths. And when I open a book, I read slowly. Digesting each sentence and paragraph. Rolling it over in my mind. No hurry to finish a book. I want it to last and last and last. And I like slow, melodic music. Adagios. And give me slow dancing. Slow as can be. Helps to disguise my ineptness. I'm a slow, but good learner. --Jim Broede

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