Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One of the lucky people.

Retail businesses abound in Carbonia. In Sardinia. Where I live. Guess this is true all over Italy. I've read that Italy has three times more retail businesss than Britain. No, the proliferation of retail businesses isn't a sign of a booming economy. Instead, it's a sign of people barely scratching out a living. I wonder how so many businesses survive. Because I see few customers. Only a trickle in many of the retail stores. Maybe the exceptions are the grocery stores. The bigger ones seem to do all right. Full of customers. But the little retailers. How can they make a go of it? Makes me wonder. It must be a hard way to make a living. And there are street merchants. Many of 'em immigrants from Senegal. They roll out blankets along sidewalks. And in parking lots. Selling everything from caps to belts to trinkets. I was sitting on a park bench the other day, and was approached by a street vendor. His wears in a back-pack. He showed me everything. But I didn't buy. I told him I had everything. And I do. More than I need. Because I'm a retired American. Living in Sardinia. With my Italian true love. I'm one of the lucky and blessed people on planet Earth. --Jim Broede

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