Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ashamed to be an American.

Sad. Sad. Sad. That the U.S. Supreme Court has become so politicized. Once upon a time, the judges seemed to be above politics. But not any more. Five judges with a conservative agenda. And four with a liberal agenda. Thought the judiciary was supposed to be above politics. And it used to be. But not any more. Sounds like the Supreme Court will find Obamacare to be unconstitutional. By a 5-4 vote, most likely. But I'm not gonna worry about it. I'll still have my Medicare. Because I'm a senior citizen. But so very many Americans will be without health insurance. We need socialized medicine. Medicare for everyone. A single payer health care system. Maybe we will get it some day. When liberals take over this country. And push legislation that serves the common good. But first, we need to cleanse the Supreme Court. I don't know what's more disgraceful -- the Supreme Court or Congress. Makes me ashamed to be an American. --Jim Broede

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