Monday, March 12, 2012

Rather an artist than craftsman.

I like to write. Almost anything. Whatever comes to mind. It's proof that I'm alive and thinking. Functioning. Creating. Using words. Language. I'm able to talk to myself. And others. Making myself known. I don't have to be with other people. I can be alone. Or I can choose to be with god almighty himself. I can connect to the spirits. I write my blog. Daily. With rarely a miss. Don't know if I'm reaching anyone. Doesn't matter, I suppose. Because I'm reaching me. If I can't do that, I'm lost. I find myself. Every day. The moment I sit down to write, it's a reminder that I'm alive and conscious. That's very important. Reminds me that I'm actually conscious. Because if I don't think about it, I may be merely going through the motions. Moreorless like a robot. On automatic pilot. Flying. Without a conscious direction. I also keep reminding myself that I'm in love. With my Italian true love. And with life. I ponder the thought of love. And write about it. Frequently. So important to put my love into words. Practicing the art and craft of love. My aim is to make love more an art than a craft. Yes, rather be an artist than a craftsman. --Jim Broede

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