Friday, March 2, 2012

A solitary thing.

Seems to me that Jesus made a good choice. Never to return to Earth. Oh, some will say he's here in spirit. But that ain't true. Jesus knows better. He's off in some distant place. In Heaven. Nirvana. Valhalla. Paradise. He didn't find what he was looking for here on Mother Earth. And so he had the good sense to look elsewhere. In another dimension. Preferring to live with the holy spirits. My guess is that he welcomed death. Because it was the only way to escape. He had an abiding faith. That there was life beyond life. Beyond the physical. Jesus worked for change here on Earth. When he was still naive. But he awakened. Knew it would never come. Because the change has to come from within. In the individual human spirit, within the soul. And that cannot be dictated to others by anyone. But the self. Not even by preacher or philosopher Jesus. It's gotta be an individual decision. Not en masse. Not in a church. Not as a group. Yes, a solitary thing. --Jim Broede

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